A big day for all things Windows, Office 2021 will be a one-time purchase like Office 2019 before it. It’s aimed at users who don’t wish to subscribe to the Microsoft 365 subscription service and want a permanent copy of Microsoft Office. While Windows 10 doesn’t come with Microsoft Office (opens in new tab) and neither will Windows 11, the two are fairly intertwined when it comes to how productive you can be on your home computer (opens in new tab) or laptop (opens in new tab). For now, Microsoft has not released many details on office 2021. However, a report from The Verge (opens in new tab) suggests that it will feature many of the improvements seen in office LTSC, a variant of the office package that has been released for enterprise customers who can’t access the Cloud. The update includes new accessibility features and dark mode support. The latter sounding like a continuing effort by Microsoft to embrace dark modes as we’ve seen in the recent announcement that its Light and Dark modes will offer different sounds to capture the mood appropriately (opens in new tab). It’s also anticipated that Office 2021 will match Windows 11 in terms of looks too.
Microsoft Office 2021 details
In the past, Microsoft also confirmed that Office 2021 will be supported for at least five years and that the software will work with both 32 and 64-bit systems. It will also come with OneNote included and we wouldn’t be surprised if it encourages you to embrace Microsoft Edge (opens in new tab) as one of the best web browsers (opens in new tab) out there right now. Expect to see more information about exactly how Office 2021 will improve productivity over the coming weeks. For now, if you’re keen to have the latest of everything, prepare to upgrade a lot of different software come October 5th.