With a limited supply of energy on hand (for those who aren’t spending real world money), farming efficiently is absolutely critical if you don’t want to waste your time.

Below we cover everything you need to know to farm Elemental Guardians areas and get the most rewards for the least amount of effort.

Elemental Guardians Region Farming

To get the most out of region farming, you want to earn achievements for completing X number of stages in a region with a team composed of 3, 2, or even just 1 creature, rather than a full team of 4. At the same time, combine these with stages that have specific enemies for the kill X number of creatures achievements to earn double the rewards.

While you should build up a core group of 4 creatures to unlock the advanced and nightmare stages of each region, your focus should be on 1 ~ 3 creatures that can solo any given stage to farm achievements.

Which creature you pick will depend on the random nature of summons, but these are all solid options for solo farming contenders (either due to powerful debuff abilities, self-shielding, ability to attack repeatedly, etc.):

Air Stone Guard Water Stone Guard Water Daimyo Angel Zealot Earth Ninja Wind Ebon Knight Fire Deva Earth Treant Water Treant Water Raksasha Air Succubus Fire Succubus Water Ghost Earth Ghost Earth Minotaur

If you are looking for heal buffing creatures or creatures that can mitigate damage, there are to places in particular to play. The Air Mini Golem is farmable in Sunken City advanced stages, while the Water Arcane Bird is farmable in the Mystic Forest advanced stages. Their drop rates are low, but by farming these areas you are guaranteed to eventually get them.

Without question, the single most efficient stage to farm is Sunken City stage 6 on normal, as it gets you 4 Masaru Monks, 1 Evolved Monk, 4 Ninjas, and 1 Samurai all in one battle for only 5 energy. 

 This stage offers most bang for buck when farming achievements

By completing the achievements for those creatures, you will earn more seals, shards, and summons than in any other stage. Wasteland stage 6 on normal also offers a ton of ghosts and spectres all at once for those creature killing achievements, although the Wasteland is difficult to complete solo.

If you want to farm other creature / stage achievements, use the following table to find the most efficient paths:


Elemental Guardians Book Farming

Getting a steady supply of books from the Elemental Towers or Tower Of Houses areas in the Dragonmists Isles is critical to evolving your creatures to their next level and then upgrading their skills so you can have an edge in PvP.

Fire Tower and Water Tower are often the easiest to farm because their end bosses don’t use as many special abilities that drag the fights on longer. You don’t usually need a specialized team or specific glyph combos to farm these areas.

On the other end, you absolutely need heal blockers (such as Water Felicore or Wind Gargoyle Whelp) for Earth Tower in order to overcome the dragon’s constant self-healing. High resistance creatures or creatures with full immunity glyph sets are more useful for Air Tower to avoid the constant negative status effects in later stages.

The skill book drop rate starts at a measly 1% at stage 3 of the Towers, meaning you will get a book about 1 out of every 100 battles, which isn’t helpful at all considering the energy cost to farm these areas. The drop rate then increases to:

2% at stage 5 3% at stage 7 5% at stage 9 6% at stage 10

In other words, there’s no point in farming the 4, 6, or 8 stages of the Elemental Towers, since they are harder then previous stages without offering any increase in the chance to get a book for upgrading skills and evolving creatures.

When you run out of energy and need to head to the Arena, there’s more opportunity for book farming if you play carefully. Getting 25 consecutive Arena wins results in an immediate 3 skill book bonus, which essentially means you automatically get to evolve your best creature.

25 wins with no losses in between sounds like a next to impossible proposition, unless you game the system. To get this achievement, make constant use of the ability to switch to the next player until you find someone with an extremely weak defense.

Be on the lookout for someone with all 3 star or low level 4 star creatures, or even someone who has recently ranked up their creatures and only has 1 creature positioned in their defense. If you are picky and use some seals to refresh the player list after rotating through 5 options, getting to 25 Arena wins doesn’t take too long.

 By spending seals and seeking out weak players, you can get to 25 wins easily

Looking to master every element of this gacha game and dominate in PvP or help out your guild with active quest completion? Check out our Might & Magic: Elemental Guardians guides here:

Beginner’s Tips and Strategy Guide Elemental Guardians Tier List  Evolving Arcane Eagles Guide (Fire, Earth, Water, & Air) Most Powerful Glyph Combos