New Features: Screenshot Album and Play Journal

A new screenshot album will be added to the Miiverse, where all screenshots taken can be found in one place. Some specifics about the album includes that it can hold up to 100 screenshots, and that it is also private to each user. That way your gaming memories can remain special and untouched.

The Play Journal is for users to express their thoughts about the games they’re playing, and can be done while in-game. To find the play journal, you open the Miiverse while in-game, and a screenshot will be saved so you can see what was going on at that time of your entry. This will be perfect for showing secret parts of levels and alternative routes.

Game Communities

The community for each game will be split into three-parts to make navigating more accessible. The parts include Play Journal Entries, Drawings, and Discussions.

Within the Play Journals Entries section, you’ll be able to see what others think about the game, and maybe they can even help you get through a part you’re stuck at. Since screenshots will be shown, the visual aid will be helpful.

The Drawings section shows different artwork for each game, starting with the most popular drawing. Being able to find great artists and following their work will become an easy task.

Lastly the Discussions page is used for talking about a specific game and even asking questions. Utilizing tags within discussion posts will make finding common thoughts effortless.

Removed Feature

One feature that Nintendo is removing from the Miiverse is the ability to post to your activity feed. To replace this, they’ve added the Play Journal which will incorporate the screenshots of the game. 

These new additions will appear in the Miiverse during this Summer of 2015.