Notwithstanding, as of late she began standing out as truly newsworthy later both the examiners and guard legal advisors arrived at the arrangement that Milka ought not be viewed as at fault for the homicide as she was not sane when the calamity happened.

Allow us to find out about Milka Dujrasovic and investigate her photographs and spouse. Milka Djurasovic’s photograph isn’t accessible on the web right now as the specialists have not uncovered her pictures.

She has been being investigated in the Supreme Court over the passings of 10-year-old Mia and six-year-old Tiana at the family’s home in the northern Perth suburb of Madeley in October 2019.

The absence of pictures could be because of her continuous preliminary. Her preliminary has not finished at this point and the decision of her being not liable or liable has not come at this point.

Discussing her 2021 update, Milka has admitted to the killing of her two youngsters however contends she isn’t blameworthy as she was not intellectually solid when the episode happened.

She was determined later the killings to have significant sadness with crazy elements. Milka was likewise experiencing demolishing psychological wellness issues in the past too.

As per ABC News, both the arraignment and the protection are presenting that the 40-year-old ought not be considered criminally answerable for the passings since she was not of sound brain and didn’t have the ability to realize that she should not to do what she did.

Milka Djurasovic is hitched to her better half Nenad Djurasovic. The couple lived respectively at the home in suburbia of Perth with their two youngsters.

She killed her two youthful little girls while her significant other was away for work, she then, at that point, attempted to end her own life yet fizzled as she face the time tension of her better half getting back from work as per ABC News.

— Mothers of sons (@Mothersofsons1) December 13, 2021

Milka had additionally made a video saying ‘sorry’ for murdering their little girl and asking him to let her die as per Perth Now. Milka Djurasovic’s real age is 40 years of age starting at 2021.

Data about her real date of birth has not risen to the top yet alongside her origination and old neighborhood. Djurasovic’s confirmed Facebook profile is likewise not accessible on the web yet, yet individuals on Facebook are sharing her information at this point.