On Monday’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the 43-year-old entertainer was asked by have Jimmy Kimmel on the off chance that she had at any point been in a “really frightening circumstance” to pay tribute to Halloween. Kaling proceeded to review a night quite a long while back when she and her Office costar and buddy B.J. Novak went out for supper in Los Angeles.


At that point, Kaling was pregnant with her little girl Katherine, presently 4.

“The most really unnerving circumstance I’ve at any point been in was the point at which I was truly eight-and-a-half-months pregnant with her,” Kaling made sense of.

“I went to supper with my companion B.J. Novak … He left the vehicle and we escaped the vehicle, I saw there was a bizarre sort of fellow, gazing at us from the leaving meter.”

Kaling at first said she was concerned, however subsequent to escaping the vehicle, the man gave off an impression of honestly love the NBC show.

“At the point when we got out, he was like, ‘Hello, love you folks in The Workplace!’” The Mindy Task star recalled.

“Then, at that point, we strolled down to go to the eatery,” she proceeded. “Café’s shut, out of the blue. And afterward we strolled back to the vehicle, and when we stroll back to the vehicle — our thought process is the vehicle — we’re like, ‘Gracious, that is presumably not it, since there’s someone sitting steering the ship,’ and we continue to walk.” Subsequent to acknowledging they’d strolled excessively far, Kaling and Novak, 43, strolled back to his vehicle, which she noted was a “extravagant” one that consequently locks.

“We return to the vehicle and the person that we had conversed with by the meter had gotten into B.J’s. vehicle, was sitting controlling everything and had B.J’s. PC open and was on B.J’s. PC,” she reviewed warily. “Which is so peculiar — he didn’t attempt to take his stuff.”

The pair then, at that point, chose to stand up to the man. In spite of being pregnant at that point, Kaling said she went to the driver’s side entryway and impeded it so the man couldn’t get away.

“My feeling of my feeling of equity was more noteworthy than my feeling of needing to live,” she kidded to Kimmel, 55.

“And afterward B.J. went to their side, and was like, ‘What did you take?’” she proceeded. “The person continued to investigate at the way to attempt to get out. I was staying there like, ‘You’re staying put.’ At last, B.J. got his PC back and the entirety of his stuff and he gestured to me, similar to, ‘You can open the entryway and let him out.’”

Then, at that point, Kaling said the “most odd” thing occurred. At the point when the man left the vehicle, he told the couple, “You folks ought to watch out. Anyone could simply get into your vehicle.”

“Like this situation had been this like, trick, he had wanted to show us a significant illustration,” she said with a chuckle.

“Incidentally, it instructed us that! And afterward he somewhat went astray.” Old buddies since they costarred on The Workplace together in 2004, and later dated on-and-off, in actuality, Kaling and Novak have been vocal about their now-non-romantic love for one another. They’ve helped each other on imaginative tasks, went to one another’s honorary pathway debuts — and in 2017, Novak formally turned into a Kaling’s relative when she named him her little girl’s guardian.

In 2014, Novak — who played Ryan Howard on The Workplace — depicted his relationship with Kaling as “convoluted” while addressing Individuals solely. “A truly muddled individual and a truly confounded companionship, yet I wouldn’t exchange it for anything the world,” he said of Kaling, who played his hit or miss love interest Kelly Kapoor on the NBC series.

In a 2019 meeting on CBS Sunday Morning, Kaling added of their bond: “It isn’t what individuals here and there think it is. Yet, he’s actually essential for my family now, which is perfect.

Despite the fact that that is to a lesser degree a provocative portrayal of our relationship, I believe it’s a more profound and a nearer one.”